Your Way






Regardless of the session,

be it Practical Swedish or an other kind of Coaching,

it's important you feel the focus is on your time and your results.


I am happy to set up an unconditional short meeting or a phone call to find out how and if we can work together on what you need. 


Most of the projects I work on are done on a flexible schedule, leaving me a lot of flexibility to be avaliable when it suits you.

Day, evening or weekend. 






Get that Swedish going!

I believe it can be easier to take on a new language in a real life, practical context rather than in conventional classroom studies. 

With the busy lives we are leading,

we might also want to optimise everything we do, 

to be both practical and enjoyable.


Learning should be fun, and wouldn't it also be perfect if we could learn a new skill as we go on with our weekly tasks. 


Tight for time?

Invite me along to something you do anyway.


Can't be bothered even if you need it?

Let me help you find out how it can be more fun.  





If you're in need of a coach to handle an area of your life and you're not fluent in Swedish;

I am fluent in English and ready to assist you. 

I believe Coaching can be useful in most situations in life. 

What do you need? 



I have worked as a careers coach, have experience in management,

coaching employees to develop individually and as a group. 


In the recent years I have also had the pleasure to gain experience from working with people with a neurological diagnosis, ASD, physical or psychologicial disabilities and their relatives. I have good knowledge in the Swedish LSS Law and hold both professional and personal experiences of handling life with a disabled family member. 


Please contact me for more information.


Phone: 070 466 8861


Copyright © All Rights Reserved

Yes Way - It's possible



Yes Way is the answer to No Way. There is always a way, maybe not the way we expected at first, but there is a way. Sometimes we don't even end up where we expected us to be at, but we still arrived did't we?

And so the road continues..